The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body, as it performs some vital functions such as blood purification, vitamins, storing sugar and producing bile, and when a person suffers from a chronic disease in the liver, scars appear on the liver, which is called cirrhosis in most cases, cirrhosis occurs due to abuse Alcohol and viral infections.
According to a report by "onlymyhealth", many people confuse cirrhosis with other liver diseases, and if you do not know what cirrhosis is exactly, continue with the next report.
What is cirrhosis?
Cirrhosis is a chronic condition of liver damage, which can occur for various reasons, and the liver is an important organ in the body, as it makes enzymes that help us digest our bodies and filter toxins from our blood, and then it is of utmost importance that any type of chronic liver disease be diagnosed at a time. Early, and if the cause of cirrhosis is diagnosed early, you can prevent it from getting worse by starting the correct treatment.
The patient may suffer from fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, nausea, abdominal pain, etc., chronic alcohol abuse; chronic hepatitis B, C and D; non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; cystic fibrosis; iron accumulation in the body Some different prominent causes of cirrhosis, etc.
What causes cirrhosis?
There are various causes of cirrhosis and the most common of them are:
Alcohol abuse or usual uncontrolled drinking habits
Chronic viral liver infections such as hepatitis
Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is a disease of fatty liver caused by diabetes and obesity
Inherited diseases such as cystic fibrosis, Wilson's disease, problems with glycogen storage, and hemochromatosis
Autoimmune hepatitis
Blockage or damage to the bile duct
Biliary atresia
Primary cholangitis
Chronic heart failure
Liver disease gradually progresses to cirrhosis, as liver cells continue to die after injury, and damaged liver cells are replaced by scar tissue and affect the functioning of the liver over time, and damage progresses to scarring and cirrhosis.
Symptoms of cirrhosis
Cirrhosis occurs when the liver is not able to function properly, it does not filter the blood and allows the absorption of fats and vitamins, releases toxins, produces blood clotting proteins, etc., and in this case a person may exhibit the following symptoms:
Nose bleeding
Lack of appetite
Loss of appetite or an eating disorder
Itchy skin
Sudden weight loss
Weakness or low energy
With progression, symptoms worsen and lead to:
Swollen legs
Ascites or flatulence
Confusion or trouble thinking
Factors that increase the chances of developing cirrhosis
There are certain risk factors for cirrhosis that increase the chances of developing chronic liver disease, and the following is a list of potential factors that increase a person's risk of scarring or cirrhosis:
Long-term alcohol use
Viral hepatitis infection
Type 2 diabetes
Liver disease in the past
Infection due to sharing needles
Other health complications due to cirrhosis
While cirrhosis in itself is a chronic condition, it can lead to many other serious conditions. and this is:
Esophageal varicose veins or breach and bleeding of the veins that lead to portal hypertension.
Bruises on different parts of the skin due to poor blood clotting
Kidney failure
Liver Cancer
Hepatic encephalopathy that causes cognitive impairment due to toxins reaching the brain
How can cirrhosis be prevented?
Here are some ways to prevent scarring of the liver:
Reduce your alcohol consumption, as this reduces the risk of many other diseases.
Eat a balanced diet and detoxify the liver to cleanse the liver.
Exercise regularly to prevent the build-up of fat that can also lead to liver disease.
If you have hepatitis, get regular checks on yourself to check whether you have cirrhosis or scarring.
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